Therapy For Young Adults
A lot of people think that once you enter the "adulthood" stage of life then things will magically fall into place, but it's not like that at all. Adulting is hard! Finding a way to balance work, college, social life, and family life is tough. Then throw in trying to deal with the political climate and practicing self-care... it all feels impossible. Especially when you start to compare yourself to friends or other people who appear to have it all together.
You may be having a hard time with decisions like "what do I want to do with my life?" or "is this a good relationship for me?" Or you find yourself in a pattern of anxious, intrusive, or depressive thoughts that has you obsessively google-searching or watching TikTok videos and self-diagnosing at 1:00am (we've all been there). Are you trying to figure out how to balance being connected, yet disconnected? Or how to manage imposter syndrome?
Do you find yourself replaying social situations in your mind or overthinking even small decisions? Do you feel like you have been in a pattern of unhealthy relationships and decision making? Whatever the source of stress is, therapy is a great way to begin to learn more about your personal and social boundaries, ways to increase healthy coping, and learn about and break generational or societal patterns that may be making you feel "stuck."
Therapy is teamwork! Our team of therapists are personable and recognize the importance of truly connecting with your therapist in order to make progress. Read about our team and schedule a free consultation when you are ready!